Sunday, February 1, 2015

Computer Basics MCQ questions with answers for competitive exam

Md. Robiul Islam
Assistant Programmer

1.        What is the elaboration of ‘Cc’ in an e-mail?
a. Close circuit                    b. Carbon copy
       c. Close contact                  d. Conter
       e. None of these

2.    Which of the following can be used as a search engine to find some data using the internet?
       a. MS Access                      b. Power DVD
       c. MS Excel                        d. Bing
       e. None of these

     3.    What is the elaboration of ‘bcc’ in an e-mail?
a. Blank Close circuit         b. Blank Carbon copy
       c. Blind Close contact        d. Blind Carbon copy
       e. None of these

4.    Which of the following symbols must exist in an e-mail address?
       a. $                                     b. #
       c. &                                    d. @
       e. None of these

5. Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value –
       a. American   Standard code for Information interchanges
       b. American Stock code for Information  interchange
       c. American   Standard code for Information interfere
       d. None of   these

6.    What is the term to ask a computer to put information in order numerically or alphabetically?
       a. Crop                              b. Report
       c. Record                          d. Sort
       e. Combine

7.    Which one Works as both an output and input device?
       a. Modem                          b. Scanner
       c. Mouse                            d. Monitor
       e. Keyboard

8.    Which one a valid email address?
       b. F:\\Email\standard

9.  When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader is executed, called –                      
      a. Compile and go loader        b. Boot loader
      c. Bootstrap loader                  d.  None of   these

10.  Which of the following is not an antivirus software?
       a. Kaspersky                        b. Win-pro
       c. AVG                                d. Mcafee
       e. Symantec

11.  From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up?
      a. ROM BIOS             b. CPU
      c. FTP                          d. None

12.  Computer does mathematical function by using?
       a. Analog digit                    b. Digital digit
       c. Binary digit                     d. Numerical digit
       e. Greeks digit

13.  Which of the following is a database software?
       a. MS Word                       b. MS Access
       c. MS Power Point            d. Acrobat Reader
       e. MS Outlook

14.  Which of the following is not a free e-mail service provider?
       a. Yahoo                           b. Hotmail
       c. AVG                             d. G mail
       e. MSN

15.  Which of the following is NOT a peripheral device?
      a. Motherboard           b. Scanner
      c. Monitor                   d. None

16. Virtual memory consists of………..
      a. Static RAM                            b. Dynamic RAM
      c. Magnetic Memory      d. None

17.  Which one of the following is an example of optical storage device?
       a. CD ROM                     b. Hard disk
       c. RAM                            d. CPU
       e. None of these

18.  Mechanical device in the computer are called-
       a. Data                             b. User
       c. Software                      d. Hardware
       e. None of these

19. Cache memory acts between –
      a. CPU and RAM            b. RAM and ROM
      c. CPU and Hard Disk     d. None

20.  Which of the following is used to display web contents?
       a. System software          b. Antivirus
       c. Web browser               d. Scanner


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