Thursday, January 29, 2015

Computer fundamental questions with answers

Computer Fundamental Questions For Any Competitive Exam. If you study those questions you will be success. Very important computer basics mcq questions with answers. Please study and gather computer knowledge.

1.       If a web page’s URL includes ………….., the page secure.
a. https                                  b. serial interface protocol
c. cookie                                d. flat-file
e. None of these

2.    In a computer, a ……. Can perform both input and output functions.
       a. microphone                       b. trackball
       c. touch screen                      d. RAM
       e. None of these

3.    What does MICR mean?
       a. Magnetic Idle Cassette Recorder
       b. Magnetic Ink Codes reader
       c. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
       d. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
       e. Magnetic Ink Code Reader

4.    Which of the following is not an output device?
       a. Monitor                           b. Printer
       c. Mouse                              d. Speaker

5.    VGA stands for:
       a. Video Graphics Array                  b. Visual Graphics Array
       c. Volatile Graphics Array                d. Video Graphics Adapter
       e. Visual Gallery Adapter

6.    The ‘add or remove program’ utility can be found in:
       a. Control Panel                   b. CPU
       c. Desktop                            d. Search Engine
       e. My Computer

7.    Which of the following is spreadsheet software?
       a. MS Excel                         b. MS Word
       c. Power Point                     d. Adobe Acrobat
       e. My Computer

8.    What does ‘ATM’ stand for?
       a. Automatic Teller Machine              b. Automated Teller Machine              
       c. Augmented Teller Machine            d. Automatic Telling
       e. Automated Transfer Machine  
9.    Which one of the following in the first program of Microsoft?
       a. Windows XP                   b. Windows 98
       c. MS DOS                          d. Windows 7
       e. Windows 97

10.  DOT MATRIX is a kind of:
       a. Scanner                           b. Operating System
       c. Software                           d. Printer
       e. Monitor

11.  What is the elaboration of VoIP?
       a. Voice Over Internet Program        b. Voice Over Internet Protocol
       c. Voice Of Internet Program            d. Voice On Internet Protocol
       e. Voice Of Internet Program
12.  The buying and selling of goods over the internet is known as:
       a. e-buying                      b. e-commerce
       c. e-selling                       d. e-business
       e. e-banking

13.  Which of the following is related to memory of a computer?
       a. Cache                        b. PS
       c. DSP                          d. Flops
       e. DVD

14.  Which number system is used to store date in a computer?
       a. Decimal                     b. Binary
       c. Octal                         d. Hexadecimal
       e. None of these

15.  Which one of the following is an example of Open Source Operating System?
       a. Redhat  Linux           b. Windows 98
       c. Windows XP             d. DOS
       e. None of these

    16. A computer port is used to
  a. Communicate with hard disks     
            b. Communicate with other computer peripherals
            c. Download files
            d. None

17.  Which one of the following is an example of optical storage device?
       a. CD ROM                  b. Hard Disk
       c. RAM                        d. CPU
       e. None of these

18.  Which of the following is suitable for storing and carrying date from one computer to another?
       a. Power Supply                               b. Processor
       b. Read Only Memory (ROM)          d. Pen Drive
       e. None of these

19.  Which of the following is an Antivirus software?
       a. Maya                         b. Kaspersky
       c. Google                      d. Outlook
       d. None of these

20.  What is the elaboration of “www” written at the beginning of the name of a  webpage?
       a. Worldwide Wireless Windows           
       b. World Wide Web
       c. World Wide WAN
       d. World Wide Wire-woofer
       e. None of these

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